Yasla Web Logo

Yasla Web App


Web Browser: An up-to-date version of Chrome or Chromium (with H264 and AAC support)1

Operating System: With the exception of iOS,2 any system for which a current version of Chrome or Chromium is available should be suitable.

RAM: 4GB of RAM (minimum 2GB) is recommended.

Start Yasla Web

Yasla Web is currently not under active development. Should any problems occur, please report them to support_at_yasla_dot_de.

Known limitations


Yasla Web does not track users in any way and uses no cookies. Settings are stored in the web browser via local storage and are not sent to the server. All recordings, media data, and documents are kept locally on the device and are never seen by the Yasla server.

  1. Most other web browsers still have problems with complex video recording and playback or lack certain functionality; hopefully, this will improve over time. 

  2. Apple dictates all browsers (incl. Chrome) on iOS / iPadOS to use the Webkit engine, which lacks many functions without which Yasla Web can not run. 

  3. MPEG-4 for video/audio, and MP3 and WAV for audio 

Status 2023.10, subject to change.